Monday, January 12, 2015

The Monday Intentional

Sometimes intentional living means deleting a game off of your phone because you can't quit playing it. 

Sometimes it means throwing away most of the 2L bottle of Dr. Pepper because you keep turning it up for "just one more swig." 

Sometimes it means hugging your child when they're driving you nuts instead of hiding in the closet for five minutes while you stuff your face with chocolate. 

Sometimes it means almost doubling the grocery bill to buy foods without GMOs in hopes of bringing your family back to optimal health. 

Sometimes it even means going to the gym and getting on the scale in front of another person, then letting that person pinch your fat, take your measurements,  and hold you accountable for your new intentional commitment to fitness. 

Sometimes intentional living is harder than I want it to be. Sometimes I'm not great at it. I find myself repeating this prayer over and over and over throughout each day: 
"Lord, teach me to be intentional in this moment, because I'm really struggling with how."

Or this one:
"Lord, give me the strength to be intentional in this moment, because I really would rather do it my way."

Or this one: 
"Lord, forgive me for not being intentional in that moment. Help me to see more quickly in the future all the ways in which I can make intentional choices."

Now that I'm concentrating on purposely, consciously, and intentionally making choices, I'm seeing just how selfish I am and have been, all my life really, but especially in these last few years. 

What are you doing today to live with purpose and intention? 

Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 

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